Wine Training
Wine isn’t difficult, wine is to be enjoyed.
We give training and coaching to fit your need. On to “the next level”.
At Vino Positivo you book a course or session about selected themes for beginners or experienced wine lovers.
The complicated classifications, regions and laws will be explained in a clear way. Vino Positivo demystifies and clarifies wine for you.
You have a choice out of a wide array of themes, from my own Vino Positivo portfolio. Possible angles: per country, region, grape, wine style, classification, basic concepts, …
A compilation of more than 20 years of experience working, discovering, visiting wine domains, analysing and most importantly enjoying wines. Ready to share with you.
Unique view in the wine world
A course at Vino Positivo offers you unique material to jump start yourself or your (starting) wine club into the wonderful world of wine.
Our trainings, courses and sessions guide you in the right direction to confidently develop your own wine personality.
Practically and theoretically substantiated
I provide adjusted teaching materials. You can count on a combination of texts, slides and lots of attention to practical teaching tools.
The sessions are always enhanced by interaction, tasting and detailed discussion of wines that fit the chosen theme.
Ask me for examples or let us discuss how to build a fitting course for you.
Finally got a clear picture of the different classifications of wines in Europe. It is crucial to understand this well. Now I can select my wines with knowledge and fully enjoy them.
Wine isn’t difficult, wine is to be enjoyed!
Guy Monfort, wine ambassador
Wine gets people to interact in a positive and friendly way.
This is the magic that drives me to keep learning and discovering and motivates me to make the world of wine accessible to everyone.
Getting wine enthusiasts to engage and participate is why I do what I do.