Guiding your wine journey
Basics Wijn Training
In deze wijncursus word je in 4 sessies helemaal ondergedompeld op een gestructureerde manier
Deepdive Wijn Training
Kies voor een wijncursus met diepgang. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven kan je aanhaken: Wijnstijlen, Geografisch of via Workshops.
Start je wijnkelder
Vino Positivo developed a straightforward method, with interactive guidance to start your own wine cellar.
Wine Entertainment
Are you looking for an original recipe to boost your event? A teambuilding, tasting competition or a wine quiz …
A wide ray of possibilities, fun options and I can even custom fit to your needs.
Wine Training
A course at Vino Positivo offers a unique view in the wine world. Appropriate material to help you, your friends or your (starting) wine club a head start in the right direction to confidently develop your own wine personality. Check out the possibilities
Freelance Sommelier
Make use of my twenty years’ experience. The wine ambassador can be seen as a trustworthy advisor or as a helpful hand. Let’s talk.
Discover the undiscovered.
Guy Monfort, wine ambassador
Wine gets people to interact in a positive and friendly way.
This is the magic that drives me to keep learning and discovering and motivates me to make the world of wine accessible to everyone. Getting wine enthusiasts to engage and participate is why I do what I do.